Access Psychology Foundation

Logo Redesign

Access Psychology Foundation (APF) is an organization with the goal of providing greater access to mental health services to underserved communities and people of color. APF also offers scholarships to individuals seeking to obtain their therapy and psychology licenses to address the mission of increasing the number of licensed therapists and psychologists for the future.

Together with the marketing and creative team, I worked closely with APF to gain a thorough understanding of its mission and vision, which involved a complete logo redesign and the creation of a website with ample resources for those seeking to learn more about mental health or access services.

The original logo featured a key icon to symbolize access, which we modernized to incorporate the key concept in a more subtle and sophisticated way that complements the lowercase 'apf' letterforms. To enhance the user experience, we developed an accessible color palette that was more aligned to their brand voice and a brand style guide to aid in keeping their brand visuals consistent.

Website Design

APF wanted its website to provide easy access to psychologists and therapists of color who help people from underserved communities to obtain resourceful information and content about mental health. For the homepage feature area, we set it up to carousel a showcase images of people who represent the diverse range of people, as well as a graphic with important keywords that reflect the core values that APF stands for.

Our focus was on creating a user-friendly and seamless experience for donors, which we achieved by emphasizing simplicity, inclusivity, and organization throughout the design process. To accomplish this goal, we incorporated custom artwork and graphics that enhance the visual appeal of the site and facilitate the donation process for users. We also included a Donate Call-to-Action button in the main navigation area to make it easy for potential donors to donate to the organization.

Our objective was to create a website that truly represents the people that the company is committed to serving, who come from all walks of life. When selecting imagery, we made a deliberate effort to choose photos that showcase a diverse range of individuals, accurately reflecting the company's target audience. We also implemented a textural color treatment and custom shapes for some images, such as the "talk bubble" shape that represents communication and information. Additionally, all iconography used on the website was custom-designed to align with the brand guidelines.

Social Media

To help APF adapt to the constantly evolving advertising landscape and effectively reach its target audience, we collaborated on the development of templates for its social media and digital marketing strategies. This involved creating a library of social media templates to serve as guides for their team, ensuring that all content remained on-brand and consistent across all platforms.